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MISSION 1: How Special Are You?

You know that four of our best astronauts are missing in space. We know you want to help us find them. But nobody knows what has happened, where they are, or what problems lie ahead.

This could be the most dangerous mission in space exploration history.  So the questions is, have you got the skills and qualities necessary to save our astronauts?

Your first mission is to convince the Astronaut Selection Committee that you are the special person we need for this mission.  We will need to know everything about you. Your strengths, your  weaknesses and even your deepest fears. Nothing will remain a secret in our selection process.

Good luck!

Before we begin the selection process we need to warn you one final time about the dangers involved.  Watch this news report carefully - it shows what happened to one of our recent space explorations. We insist that this type of accident is very rare, but we feel you should be aware of all the possibilities.

So, are you still prepared to apply for this mission?

If you are brave enough we're ready to start the selection process.

The first step is to familiarise yourselves with the problem. You know four of our astronauts are missing. But they are not the first to have problems and some of these have even become famous. Watch the video of this famous song about a space trip in 1969. Your Selection Committee Officer will give you some tasks to complete while you watch.

Now you have studied  previous cases of missing astronauts and  you have investigated some of the best space explorers in history you are ready to make you application to take part in this mission. You must follow these steps:

1. Work with a partner to make a list of all the information you should include in your application.

2. Your Astronaut Selection officer will check this information to make sure you haven't forgotten anything.

3. Write your application individually, telling us about yourself and why you think you would be the right person for this mission.

Remember - the competition is tough. Do your best!

MISSION 2: Crime in Ground Control!

The team of special agents investigating the disappearance of Astronaut Tasio have discovered a very curious piece of film, recorded by a security camera in the research laboratory, a few days before Tasio's spacecraft left for outer space.

The investigators are confused by the film and need your help to understand how it could help to solve the mystery of what has happened to Tasio.

First, watch the video very carefully!

The investigators have been able to recover some of the objects from the lab. Your first task is to search these objects for fingerprints and see if the prints match to any possible suspects. And remember, anybody could be involved, do not trust anybody!

Congratulations on your excellent fingerprint and interrogation work! But you still haven't identified the guilty person, or creature...

Maybe your interrogation of Major Carlos and major Raúl will help. Watch them here:

Great work, but it's still not clear who is the culprit. But wait! What's this?

Time for the paperwork  - The crime report!

Each group must write their conclusive crime report to submit to the Special Investigation Team. The report must include:

1. A description of the crime.

2. The investigations carried out (fingerprint tests and  interrogation of suspects).

3. Who was guilty and the evidence that proves it.

4. The possible motives of the thief.

5. The punishment or measures you recommend

How to write our report

MISSION 3: Earth Calling Mars!

Now we know the Aliens want to help us, we need to think about how to communicate with them, and explain to them the problems of communication we have on earth.

You are going to study the 7 continents of the earth and produce a report for the aliens which must include:

1. The languages spoken there

2. Some information about the history, culture and geography 

3. A proposal for a way to communicate using a common language and also preserve the variety of indigenous languages.

4. Use of relative pronouns

Remember, this report will form part of a presentation about how to save our planet, which you will give to the alien representatives and to students from other schools!!!

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